Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Yes, Jack is finally back! 

Thanks to Binney for that headline as we were running at Catamount last night.  After the last few months of craziness, I have reworked my schedule and life to allow myself to re-focus on work and running.  Yesterday ended 18 months of an insane job that got me up at 4:00 in the morning each weekday.  Not to say that I haven't been working or running but without adequate energy to fuel the fire it's been tough.  In the last three months I've run 3 50 mile races, 2 half marathons, 1 marathon and some shorter trail races and maybe some others that I have forgotten about, moved, started up my own Real Estate office, went to NYC for USATF coaching certification and am coaching some great folks for many different races.  All this on 4-5 hours of sleep a night.  Even after 1 normal nights sleep, I feel much better with more energy and am look forward to each day again.

So watch out, Jack is back!  And I will find the time to write up the highlights from some of my races over the past 3 months.

1 comment:

Aliza Lapierre said...

I am afraid, but excited!